
New Ollin Production

I wanted to raise a flag for all and sundry, in case someone didn’t get the news. Y’know, some interested party.  An intrigued soiree.  A bemused coffee klatch, even!

We here at Ollin Productions (all two of us) are proud to support “It Was 20 Years Ago Today,” a new podcast from our own Jamie Lawson.  Each installment is a thoughtful and personal look at recent history from Jamie’s point of view.  (And if you don’t get the reference, shame on you.)

Think of it as a snapshot of the world captured, framed, and mounted in the hallways of one person’s memory.  While we’re at it, consider just how recently these recorded moments really were…how quickly they passed…and how much we really noticed when it was happening. 

History isn’t a boring collection of dates, names, and details.  Sure, it’s often packaged that way.  Now try it with a bright new (w)rapper.